Friday, December 19, 2014

another view on Humanistic Philosophy

this man is working for minimum wage;
every day fighting for his welfare and even for supporting his family. 
he is paid so low that he has to return to work for his own existence.
:Herbert Spencer" so that the political and bureaucratic machine  can keep
the cogs in the great wheel turning; punching the time clock but never getting ahead, even falling
deeper into debt than he can re-pay;(only in Amerika).
we're all alone in this world, even alienated from our own thoughts;
because the living we do is filled with so much pain.
the sea knows best; keeping the waves rolling ashore
without hesitation in the continual ebb and wane of nature.
we climb the ladder of success and when we reach the top and jump off
back to the sea
and swim back to shore only to start all over again.
sure it's human nature, and nature itself knows
you can only rise to tour own limits.
knowledge is power.
sure wouldn't want to burst your bubble; but what about the children? if it is so hard for us what will become of them? technology has come so far
but you still wonder where are we going?
war my friend in the name of peace; where are all the jobs? and you're too old now;
too young for social security and too old to make a difference. where do we go from here?
it's nice to have a friend. I wish i did?
just me alone
on an empty highway.
maybe i'll perhaps 
get off the road and sit by the pond
and ponder
what's next?
it's a great big universe that holds us on a very little planet; but sometimes this living existence
makes us feel so small and insignificant
but we are more than that.
everybody needs help sometimes.
it's supposed to be such a wonderful world, except if your a refugee or homeless or hungry and need work. try to get along without money, just broke and out of luck and down and out and 
there will be no Christmas this year. you're lucky to have what you do; most people want what you got. the sooner witter makes you sad to see the old man or woman on the street corner asking for help until the cop turns on those blue lights and makes you put your hands on his car and takes your sign and writes you up for begging; how many choices do you have now? Another storm is coming. you have to find shelter and you're hungry and broke.


so you take out on your own and meet your destiny
somewhere on the open road.
consider your options; you can take to the road and forget about everything as if it never existed; but the past always catches uo to you or re-configure your conclusions and re-consider all you can gain and,or lose. these great and small challenges weasel their way into our mind and disturb our sanity, our frredom is compromised by our wealth; not the wealth of knowledge of your mind; but the wealth in your empty pocket. you walk on; there are no options.

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