Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Moment of Decision

On the one matter is the reality of actuality and on the other is our creative imagination that gives to us the freedom to many believe in things unknown and unproven. The decision and choice is ours to have reason to hope and believe and have faith in what we want to believe.  Though many Angels may protect us demons constantly attack our mind with thoughts and in life attack our very existence with random chance and random events that bring situation and circumstance to the forefront of our survival. They challenge the roll of the dice and the draw of the card, but the power of thought provoking spiritual warfare is in our human nature.

Sure we have indifference to opinion, but remember opinion is infinitely debatable and because we have the freedom of thought sometimes our thoughts recognize differences of opinion are part of each of our personalities and character. You have to believe in something even if you have to believe in yourself to move on with time and age comes to you with wisdom and experience, along with random chance and situations, and conditions so give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change and change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference, and when I look into a mirror I recognize change starts with me and then the world around me and inside me will change; like nature, change is one constant element of life we can believe in and happens in a parsec of a moment without notice.

Living on the edge is challenging, pushing the envelope to the extreme balancing it on the close edge of the table keeping it from falling to the floor. But maybe the envelope cannot be pushed further than the imaginary limits we put on it? Perhaps there are no limits, but gravity cannot be denied unless you live in space where zero g’s are just fine with me. Somewhere between the top of the water and the sandy bottom of the ocean I balance myself  scuba diving in zero g conditions and focus just on the sound of my breathing and heartbeat. All the while keeping the original thought my mind gives its attention to- life surrounds me and goes on inside me and both realities exist simultaneously.

Remember an idea can be easily lost if not written down and there is more to reading than just the words; it’s the words that have meaning and we are given to thought provoking ideas when we read or even write; a territory of no man’s land uninhabitable except in our imagination, and after the power of a thought overwhelms us more thoughts arrive before we can think further and our mind races to keep pace with even our own thoughts. We have to create an openness or clearing space to negotiate all our thoughts and consider them and weigh their worth and value. We must consider our mindset and how we negotiate the way we think because it takes a certain way of thinking to realize the power of thought.

In brief we search for short term conclusions and deal with them as need arises. We must regard the contemplative and meditative conclusions we come to and the consequences they bring. We lead ourselves into the complexities of the human philosophy. Life goes on without regard for time because it is endless in the Golden Eternity and we are conscious except that we, in our days are surrounded by our sleep. When you add it all up the tears and pleasure are equal. Is it any wonder the monkey is confused? The interplay of thought and argument for the present moment is reflected in the attitude we have towards contemplative and meditative thinking; but we do get caught up in the moment and decision is based on the worth and value of pleasure without regard for consequence. And then we face head on with

With the consequences of our actions and reactions negotiating or own desires spontaneously and thoughtless in the moment of choice and decision.