Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Engineers and Fabricators

we design the most complicated machines and still
there is a kind of simplicity in everything

Engineers and Fabricators are real creators in this world. The artist and musician are the same along with writers and thinkers. Those who labor in thought know that creation takes patience, time and skill. The builders of the world are those with incentive and initiative; the power to begin or to follow through energetically with
a plan or task; with the enterprise of motivation and ambition. It takes the engagement and utility of all our
powers, of the mental will power, to produce methods, processes, and systems that by skillful reasoning and
logical deduction, format and produce; to fabricate, something that can be either thought about or used in some
way and can be described ; or an expression of emotion can be roused both in the mind of the creator and in the mind of the one perceiving. Though the one conceiving may be as well the one perceiving; it is the act of creation that stimulates some kind of response or effect in the world in which we live. And if one takes the thought to the
next level , in the metaphysical and abstract sense; our inner world is as much part of creation as is the world of
the architects, engineers, and fabricators of the physical world. One can not fabricate the truth, it is already apparent; but to the writer, musician, and artist- creation takes on a new dimension- intentional expression.
Think again of the architect of all creation and your conclusions will become subject to re-evaluation.