Sunday, November 17, 2013

Wishful Thinking or Reality

champions are made
ambition, motivation and drive
to excel and succeed

we create a legend for our self. we have our weakness and strength. you have to find the open   shot and swing; going for the knock out punch, opportunity arises and you have to go for it in the moment of decision.

Choice and decision are based on our focus and perception; there is a solution to every problem, our only recourse is to find knowledge and wisdom to succeed at our battle. Sooner  or later everything passes to rust and dust. dried flowers still have their beauty, and they are not dead, but living memories of  the moments of the Golden Eternity we partake of. 

Push far  enough into the void and nothingness has meaning and begins to be something. everything is important though we know it not what symbolism there is with life; but there is no stopping of time, it moves on into the infiniteness of eternity. some day they will forget us but the legend we make for our selves will live. we are born fighters for life and then there is more; wisdom shows us the way thru the labyrinth life gives and we take what we will; our creativity lures us deeper into thought.

There is no agreement that the "Golden Mountain" does or does not exist; but all things and beings do exist in the "Golden Eternity." Forever does exist in the present time, in the past and in the future; all is one complete and absolute continuity.

I think we can agree to disagree, it is the human way; opinion is infinitely debatable. Open conversation receives more results than no dialogue at all. We wonder who we really are, where we are going; but we can agree we know where we came from history is forever being recorded.

My conceptual journeys have been in some respects informative and creative gestures of mental fathoming into the mysteries of life that can be denied or not, but are completely enchanting to the one who labors in thought. Everything has some meaning. Even nothing has some meaning. 
It is imperative that our explanations be consistent with common consent.

 Where we are going is not too far over the horizon. Where we come from is too far to realize.
The clock is ticking; sometimes you have to say good by, but I will return; the countdown begins. It's always beginning, over and over, simply forever, with nature as its only cause.

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