while we are listening for sounds from space we also listen to our most inner thoughts |
Consider your own thoughts for just a minute. Think how much goes through your head. You got to give yourself time to sort it all out. To create space for some new you have to get rid of some of the old, outdated and irrelevant. It takes some work but those who labor in thought know the meaning of knowledge, wisdom and genius.We have been endowed with intelligence, but it is only those
who know in their mind, intellectually, what their potential can be strive for that ideal. It is our reasoning power that enables us to think creatively.
It is amazing how much thought goes through our head, and how much we can think about the same general ideas.
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What goes through my head may not hinder me but must work transparently, much like a computer not making itself noticeable by doing all sorts of things I didn't ask for. That means my thoughts must be helpful in understanding the world around me: explain what is, why and how it is, so that I can anticipate my actions. Trust, expect, suspect, predict, believe and act upon what constitutes my condition (the process of conditioning). That does not mean I throw out what is old, outdated and irrelevant, but give everything its proper place, autobiographically or even socially and historically. It is not genius what keeps thought alive, but a functional structure that is handed down through culture and nurture. If it is any good (certified by God) then it recollects whichever thoughts (knowledge) I ever had collected to manage myself. But if it is no good and it detaches my thought and even knowledge from reality, then I need to re-evaluate those structures, make them opaque instead of transparent, and re-establish the reliability of each of its elements and relations.
As a packrat I do not discard, merely layer. That way when I need the old to help communicate I can dig it out and find it.
We are the sum of all our experience, not just the most recent.
Not just the sum; the organization!
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