Thursday, March 13, 2008

metaphysical development

take that walk and re-think everything you know;
perhaps there is a new perspective out there

Metaphysical Development comes with the understanding that there are things we just don't know. These unknowns can only be logically reasoned by our creative intelligence. In our conception of them we find certain truths from philosophy and theology. Therein we are required more than casual study; it takes some effort to learn and comprehend our learning. After that there must be allowed a certain amount of time for reflection and meditation. What evolves is a personal configuring of the way we think. After that we come to realizations and conclusions about what we think we know or believe without verification. It is our Spirit that moves us to further thought bringing new and bold conclusions to the surface of our mind where we can consider and become more aware of its presence in the world and in our life.Sometimes we must take notions and beliefs as a matter of faith and bring these revelations to logical conclusions. It is our will to succeed and to excel along with our motivation and ambition that we create our own destiny.

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